Strong Woman Quotes

A strong woman scares weak man, as the saying goes.  Why is it so?  Because weak man doesn't know what to do with a strong woman.  A strong woman can handle strong storm in life, she always stand and try to pick the pieces together.  Read more quotes about strong woman below:

A woman who walks in purpose doesn't have to chase
Her light causes people and opportunities
to pursue her.

She stood in the storm,
and when the wind did not blow her way,
she adjusted her sails.
-Elizabeth Edwards

A weak man can't love a strong woman.
He won't know what to do with her.

A strong woman is one who is able to smile this morning
like she wasn't crying last night.

Strong women wear their pain like they do stilletos.
No matter how much it hurts,
all you see is the beauty of it.

A strong woman will automatically stop trying if she feels unwanted.
She won't fixed it or beg, she'll just walk away!

A strong man can handle a strong woman.
A weak man will say she has an attitude.

Strong women don't play victim,
don't make themselves look pitiful,
and don't point fingers.
They stand and they deal.
-Mandy Hale

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets,
The prettiest eyes cry the most tears,
The kindest hearts have felt the most pain.

Strong women scare weak men.

I can be changed by what happens to me.
But i refused to be reduced by it.
-Mmaya Angelou

A woman is like a tea bag;
you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.
-Eleonor Roosevelt

A strong woman is one who is going to overcome all obstacles
in her path and always keeping a smile on her face
and making as if nothing happened.

There is beauty in a woman whose confidence comes from experiences;
a woman who knows he can fall, pick herself up,
and move on.

Someone said to me "you're too pretty to be single"
I said "no I'm too pretty to be lied to, 
cheated on, and played with".

A strong woman knows that the pain of the past
has only made her stronger wiser and willing
not to repeat the same mistakes again.

A strong woman does not let the hardships of life tear her apart.
But a woman of strength goes on to accomplish what she wants
even when she is torn apart.

A strong women get things done.

A strong woman knows how to keep her life in line.
With tears in her eyes, she still manage to say,
"Nah, I'm fine."

Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity
to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been
all along.
-Rae Smith

A strong woman is a woman  determined to do something
others are determined not to be done.
-Marge Piercy

Don't take a good woman for granted.
Someday someone will come along and appreciate what
you didn't .

I am a strong woman but every now and then,
I also need someone to take my hand and say everything
will be alright.

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