Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father Quotes

A special man who sacrifice for us and gave us our needs and wants.  A man who will protect you, love you, and care for you.  He is no other than your father. Let us love him back.  I just want to share this post to you about being a father.

Any man can be a father, 
but it takes someone special to be a Dad.

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back,
nor sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love
shows us the way.

A Dad is someone who holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules, 
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you when you fail.

One father is worth more than  a hundred
-George Herbert

A Dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall,
but instead picks you up, brushes you off,
and let you try again.

Every father should remember that one day,
his son will follow his example
instead of his advice.

To become a father is difficult, 
but to be a father is.

Being a father is a choice,
staying true to fatherhood is a duty.
-Joan Ambu

A father provides a foundation of strength,
wisdom, and hope. So that his children may build 
their dreams upon it.

A father is a guy who has photos in his wallet
where his money used to be.
- Unknown

Any fool can be a father, but it takes a real man
to be a Daddy.
- Unknown

A real Dad is not perfect!
Yet, his present, reliable, active, caring, 
supportive, fair, comforting, a great teacher, 
a punitive example of a man, fun in his own quirky way,
and never afraid to show his LOVE to his 
children and family.
- Ty Howard

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