Saturday, March 5, 2016

Quotes about Priorities in Life

What we are is based from our priorities.  Do you agree?  We sometimes wonder why others are successful while others are not.  Others are happy and others are not.  Do you think there is something wrong with those who are not successful and happy?  Find out why, read the different quotes that will clear all our queries.

To change your life you, you need to change your priorities.

Your priorities are your character.

The key is not to prioritize what's  on your schedule,
but to schedule your priorities.
-Stephen Covey

Never allow someone to be your priority while
allowing yourself to be their option.
-Mark Twain

Sometimes I regret being nice,
apologizing when i didn't do anything wrong,
and making unworthy people a priority in my life.

Priorities are the steering wheel of life.

Your priorities aren't what you say they are,
they are revealed by how you live.

Our priorities are best reflected by how we spend our time.

The most important thing in life is knowing the most important thing in life.

I didn't change, my priorities did.

I believe there are three keys to success,
For me it is keeping my priorities in order:
It's my faith and my family and business.
-Kathy Ireland

Good things happen when you set your priorities straight.
-Scott Caan

In a way, I simplified my life by setting priorities.
-Karen Duffy

A solid relationship isn't two people who share interests,
it's between two people who share priorities.
-Americkan Girl

Those who enter into marriage should be fully prepared to establish
their marriage as the first priority in life.
-James A. Faust

You might think she wants your car, your money and gifts.
  but the right woman wants your time, your effort, your honesty, your loyalty,
 your smile and putting her as your priority.

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way;
if you don't, you'll find an excuse.
-Jim Rohn

Set priorities for today by deciding the priorities
for your entire life.
-Jeffrey Benjamin

Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make everyday,
and those decisions are determined by our priorities.
-Myles Munroe

Nobody is too busy,
it's just a matter of priorities.

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