Personality Quotes

Personality of someone attracts us the most.  Beauty sometimes is not the first priority when choosing somebody but his/her personality.  To know more about what is personality, read the different quotes below:

Anybody can love your looks,
but it's your heart and personality that make someone
stay with you.

Beauty attracts the eye,
but personality captures the heart.

Two things define your personality,
The way you manage things when you have nothing,
And the way you behave when you have everything.

An ugly personality destroys a pretty face.

Humility is no substitute for a good personality.
-Fran Lebowitz

Personality can open doors,
but only character can keep them open.
-Elmer Letterman

When you fall for someone's personality
everything about them becomes beautiful.

No amount of make up can cover up an ugly personality.

Natural charm comes from natural personality.

I hold that a strongly marked personality can influence
descendants for generations.
-Beatrix Potter

You can't Photoshop your ugly personality.

The most important thing you wear is
your personality.

Hard condition of life are indispensable to bringing
out the best in human personality.
-Alexis Canel

An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the
superior personality.
-Brian Tracey

A man of personality can formulate ideals,
but only a man of character can achieve them.
-Herbert Read

Only those who respect personality of others
can be of real use to them.
-Albert Schweltzer

The size of your waist doesn't determine your beauty,
your personality does.

Personality begins where comparison ends.
-Karl Lagerfeld

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters
cannot be trusted with important matters.
-Albert Einstein

A beautiful appearance will lasts a few decades,
But a beautiful personality will last a lifetime.

Lineage, personality and environment may shape you,
but they do not define your full potential.
-Mollie Marti

Character is not ready made but is created bit by bit
and day and day.
-Edna Lyall

Never pick a fight with an ugly person,
they've nothing to lose.
-Robin Williams

Born with personality is an accident,
but dying in a personality is an achievement.

Only those who respect the personality of others
can be of real use to them.
-Albert Schweitzer

A beautiful heart can bring things into your life
that all the money in the world couldn't obtain.
-Dau Voire

Personality has power to uplift, power to depress,
power to curse, and power to bless.
-Paul Harris

Personality is never a rule, it's always an exceptions.

Your body makes you sexy,
your smile makes you pretty,
your personality makes you beautiful.

Fits my personality.
It's young, colorful, funky, cool -
It's a great fit for me.
-Serena Williams

A person's true personality is hidden behind the eyes...
you have to look deeper into them to find who they really are.
-Kamu Auroville

His personality is unbelievable.
If I'm feeling down, I'm definitely feeling up when I'm around.
-Donna Brooks

When something bad happens you have three choices,
You can either let it define you, let it destroy you,
or you can let it strengthen you.

Keep your head and your heart in the right direction
and you'll never have to worry about your feet.
-Hassan Alli

Never change your personality for someone.
It is easier to mend a broken heart than to mend a shattered personality.
It is easier to fill empty space where someone used to be
than a space where you used to be.

It's personality that defines you.
Not looks.  Remember looks can be deceiving.

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