Monday, November 30, 2015

Self-Respect Quotes

No matter how we tried the best that we can give to our partner, friends or whoever, still we cannot give what they wanted.  We sometimes are the one blamed for their actions.  And we sometimes think of us not worthy in this world.  And we sometimes agree that we are the cause of their actions.  We forget ourselves.  But we should not, we should love and respect ourselves.  Try reading the quotes below to inspire yourselves.

Respect yourself
if you don't, others won't either.
Remember the world sees what you put out there, 
so hold yourself to a high standard of grace of elegance.
- Newly Myuted-

Respect your efforts, respect yourself,
Self-respect leads to self-discipline.
When you have both firmly under your belt,
that's real power.
-Clint Eastwood-

Sometimes you have to try not to care, 
no matter how much you do, 
because sometimes you can mean nothing to someone,
who means so much to you.
It's not pride, It's self-respect.

When someone treats you like an option,
help them narrow their choices,
by removing  yourself from the equation,
its that simple.

Ego is negative but self-respect is positive.

Self care is not self indulgence.
Self care is self respect.

I would rather be alone with dignity
than in a relationship that requires me to sacrifice
-Mandy Hale-

Self-respect should be on a Woman's list of values.
I can't stress it enough!

Never beg for a relationship.
Be brave to accept the one who really wants to be with you,
And reject the one who just pretends to be with you.

Don't lose your dignity and self-respect
trying to make people love & appreciate you,
when they just aren't capable.

Never allow yourself to be so desperate that you end up
settling for far less than what you deserve.

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything
that no longer serves you, grows you,
or make you happy.

Do not tolerate disrespect, not even from yourself.

Cutting people  out of my life,
Does not mean I hate them, It simply means

Just because someone desires you,
Does not mean that they value you.

People need to understand that
 if they don't respect themselves,
then no one will respect them.

Self-respect can be extension of your ego
or a priceless virtue.
-Anonymous author-

Don't lose your dignity and self-respect
trying to make  people accept, love, and appreciate you,
when they just aren't capable.

If we lose love and self-respect for each other,
this is how we finally die.
-Maya Angelou-

If you don't respect her, you don't deserve her.

That you may retain your self-respect,
it is better to displease the people by doing
what you know is right, than to temporarily please
them by doing what you know is wrong.
-William J.H. Boetcker-

You are in a relationship to be happy, to smile,
to laugh, and to make good memories, 
Not to be constantly upset, 
feel hurt or cry.

Sometimes you have to try not to show how much you care,
even though you do, Because
Sometimes you mean nothing to someone
who means everything to you.
Its not PRIDE.  It is called SELF-RESPECT.

And thank you guys again for stopping by my blog and reading my post.  I hope you like it.  If so, please don't hesitate to share this post. Just click the share buttons below.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Quotes About Self-Worth

Are you heartbroken and think you are not worthy to live a happy life?  You are wrong! We are all worthy to live our dream life.  If others can't give that to us, then we can give it to ourselves. In the first place, we are the driver of our future.  To know the reasons read the quotes below:

Self-worth comes from within,
You can't give it to someone and you can't
expect others to give it to you.

Every woman that finally figured out her worth,
have picked up her suitcases of pride
and boarded a flight to freedom,
which landed in the valley of change.
-Shannon L. Alder

Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth,
Only you can be responsible for it,
You have to invest in yourself, 
or no one else will.
- Stacey Charter

So many people think you're awesome
and special and worthwhile,
Why would you listen to one person
who thinks your not?

Do not underestimate yourself by 
comparing yourself with others,
Its our differences that make us unique 
and beautiful.

You might feel worthless to a person,
but you are priceless to another.
Don't ever forget your worth,
Spend time with those 
who value you.

Self-worth is so vital to your happiness,
If you don't feel good about you,
It's hard to feel good about 
anything else.
-Mandy Hale

Smile and let everyone know that today
you're a lot stronger than you
were yesterday.

Fall in love with someone who deserves your heart, 
Not someone who plays with it.

Sometimes the hardest part of the journey
is believing you're worthy  of 
the trip.

Sometimes you have to try not to care,
No matter how much you do, 
because sometimes you can mean nothing
to someone who means  so much to you.
It's not pride .
It's is self-respect.

Everybody is a genius, 
But if you judge a fish  by its ability
to climb a tree, it will spend it's whole,
life believing that it is stupid.
-Albert Einstein

Doesn't include a guy, maybe it's you,
on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over,
freeing yourself up for something better
in the future, maybe.

The moment you feel like you have to
prove your worth to someone,
is the moment to absolutely
and utterly walk away.

Never measure your self-worth by
what other people think
you should have become.

Sometimes all you have to do is forget
what you feel and remember
what you deserve.

Self respect, self-worth and self love
all start with self.
Stop looking outside of yourself
for your value.
-Rob Liano

Make sure you don't start seeing yourself
through the eyes of those who
don't value you,
Know your worth even if
they don't.

Never chase affection, or attention.
If it isn't given freely by another person,
it isn't worth having.

If you find yourself constantly trying to
prove your worth to someone,
you have already forgotten
your value.

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father Quotes

A special man who sacrifice for us and gave us our needs and wants.  A man who will protect you, love you, and care for you.  He is no other than your father. Let us love him back.  I just want to share this post to you about being a father.

Any man can be a father, 
but it takes someone special to be a Dad.

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back,
nor sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love
shows us the way.

A Dad is someone who holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules, 
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you when you fail.

One father is worth more than  a hundred
-George Herbert

A Dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall,
but instead picks you up, brushes you off,
and let you try again.

Every father should remember that one day,
his son will follow his example
instead of his advice.

To become a father is difficult, 
but to be a father is.

Being a father is a choice,
staying true to fatherhood is a duty.
-Joan Ambu

A father provides a foundation of strength,
wisdom, and hope. So that his children may build 
their dreams upon it.

A father is a guy who has photos in his wallet
where his money used to be.
- Unknown

Any fool can be a father, but it takes a real man
to be a Daddy.
- Unknown

A real Dad is not perfect!
Yet, his present, reliable, active, caring, 
supportive, fair, comforting, a great teacher, 
a punitive example of a man, fun in his own quirky way,
and never afraid to show his LOVE to his 
children and family.
- Ty Howard

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Importance of Time Quotes

Time is gold as they say! And that is correct because time is so important that we sometimes regret of the time wasted.  The problem is we don't realize its importance until its over.  We sometimes make time as our reason for not doing well in our job or something or a way of saying no to somebody. You sometimes say "my project is just so simple because i don't have enough time."  "I cannot go with you because I don't have time."  But actually the correct reason for not doing well and not going is laziness.  It's our attitude is the problem.

I will share with you some quotes that will remind us how important is time.

Time is free, but it's priceless,
You can't own it, but you can use it, 
You can't keep it, but you can spend it,
Once you've lost it, you can never get it back.
- Unknown

If you don't master your time, 
it is much higher probability that you will become
an unconscious slave to people who have mastered theirs.
- Brandon A. Tream

One realizes the full importance of time only
when there is little of it left.
Every man's greatest capital asset is his
unexpired years of productive  life.
- P.W. Litchfield

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
Because when you give your time,
You are giving a portion of your life that
you will never get back.

Time spent with family is worth every second.
- Unknown

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not 
discovered the value of life.
-Charles Darwin

Time  has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.
- Margaret Peters

Time is really the only capital that any human being has,
& the only thing he can't afford to lose.
- Thomas Edison

Waste your money and you're only out of money,
but waste your time and you've loss a part of your life.
- Michael LeBoeaf

Know  the true value of time, snatch, seize, 
and enjoy every moment of it.
No idleness, no delay, no procrastination,
never put off till tomorrow
what you can do today.
- Philip Dormer Stanhope

Time is what we want most but what we use worst.
- William Penn

Lost time is never found again.
- Benjamin Franklin

You delay, but time will not.
- Benjamin Franklin

Time in it's aging course teaches all things.
- Aeschylus

Money is not gained by losing time.
- Portugese Proverb

Time is the most valuable thing  a man can spend.
- Theoprastus

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

True Happiness Quotes

Do you achieve true happiness in your life?  If yes, well, you are lucky enough to achieved such thing as true happiness. 

How do we really achieve happiness? Read the different quotes below.

True happiness is not attained through self-gratification,
but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
- Helen Keller

The one true happiness in life is to 
love and to be loved.
- George W. Sands

True happiness is to enjoy the present,
without anxious dependence upon
the future.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Happiness will not come to those who
don't appreciate what they
already have.

True happiness is not about a big laugh
or tears of joy,
It is about a simple smile whenever you remember
someone who made your life simple but
completely happy.
- Ritu Ghatourey

True happiness comes from the joy of 
deeds well done, the zest of 
creating things new.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The key to true happiness is finding 
someone that you want to fight
with for the rest of your life.

True happiness involves the pursuit of 
worthy goals, without dreams,
without risks, only a trivial  semblance
of living can be achieved.
- Dan Buettner

Our greatest happiness does not depend
on the condition of life in which
chance has placed us, but it is 
always the result of a good conscience,
good health occupation and
freedom in all just pursuits.
- Thomas Jefferson

It is not how much we have,
but how much we enjoy, that makes
- Charles Surgeon

The true secret of happiness lies in taking
a genuine interest in all the details
of daily life.
- William Morris

True happiness comes from living life
in harmony will all that is.
- Gail Lyn Goodwin

True happiness and fulfillment come
when you feel that you are making
a valuable contribution to
your world.
- Bryan Tracey

You will never know through happiness,
until you have faced the true 
sadness in your life.
- Grant Fairley

True happiness is sustainable delight
in the beautiful moment of
ordinary life.
- Martha Beck

True happiness consists not in the multitude
of friends, but in the worth a choice.
- Ben Jonson

Happiness is the art of never holding in
your mind the memory of any unpleasant 
thing that has passed.
- unknown

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money,
it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill
of creative effort.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Lesson of Time - Karma Quotes

People want happiness.  But sometimes because of what they wanted, they become greedy and sometimes hurt other people and even their love ones.  They do not empathize what other feel because to them their feelings are the most important.   That feeling is so strong that they can never ever think the consequences ahead.  They just realize the pain when they themselves experience what they do to others, and that thing is called Karma.  And sometimes karma come back two or more times painful than what you gave to others.

You, do you believe in karma?  Read the quotes below:


When a bird is alive....It eats ants.
When the bird is dead..... Ants eat the bird!
Time and circumstances can change at any time.......
Don't devalue or hurt anyone in life.

You may be powerful today......But remember,
Time is more powerful that you!!!

One tree makes a million of match sticks,
But when the time comes,
Only one match stick is needed to burn
a million trees.
So be good and do good.
Have a wonderful day ahead.

KARMA has no menu, Get serve what you deserve.

Don't waste your time on revenge.
Those who hurt you will eventually face
their own karma.

Let the player play, let the hater hate,
and let karma handle their fate.

How people treat you is their karma,
How you react is yours.
-Wayne Dyer

Life is a boomerang, what you give,
you get!

Forgive the person and their actions,
never give in to hate, let it go, set it free,
and KARMA will take care of what 
is meant to be.

People need to learn that their actions do affect other people.
So be careful what you say and do,
it's not always just about you.

No need for revenge, 
Just sit back and wait,
Those who hurt you
will eventually screw up
themselves and if you're 
lucky.  God will let
you watch

Before you go out there and
cheat on someone, you claim to love,
hurt someone's feelings, deceive or
talk bad about someone,
Remember Karma,
what goes around, comes back around.
And when it comes back to you,
It will hurt you 7 times more
than the pain you caused.

If Karma doesn't catch up, 
God will surely pick up the slack.
-Anthony Liccione

There's a natural law of Karma that
vindictive people, who got out of their way
to hurt others, will end up
broke and alone.
-Sylvester Stallone

Don't hurt anyone...
It only takes a few seconds to hurt people
you love, and it can take years to heal.

The Law of Karma is also called
the Law of Cause and Effect, 
Action and Reaction, and 
as you sow, so shall
you reap.
-Sham Hinduja

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The Power of Mind Quotes

Do you know how powerful is human mind?  Why others are successful and others are not?  It's because they differ in their way of thinking.  When we were still young, we are asked what do you want to become someday?  We answered, I want to become doctor, teacher, lawyer, etc.  But there are some who are not sure of what they want.  Usually those who have ambitions are the successful ones.  Those who believe they can be successful are the lucky ones.  When we are asked to do something, sometimes we say "di ko kaya" that is why no result because you already believe that you  can't do it.  No success is the result. So what's the best thing to do?

Read some quotes below so you will know:

The mind is the powerful force,
It can enslave us or empower us,
 It can plunge us into the depths of misery
or take us to the heights of ecstasy,
Learn to use the power of mind wisely.

You can make your dreams come true,
Just decide.......then trust your subconscious
mind to guide you there.

"Our life is the creation of our mind."

"It is your mind that creates this world."

"The mind is everything.
What you think you become"

Whatever the mind of man can conceive 
and believe, it can achieve.
Thoughts are things,
And powerful things at that,
when mixed with definiteness in purpose, 
and burning desire, can be translated to 
-Napoleon Hill

What you think , you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.

There is no limit to how far you can go,
There is no limit to what you can do,
because there is no limit to the 
power of your mind.
And imagine that you could use your mind
to correct problems and influence
people and events in the 
positive way.
-Jose Silva Jr.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind,
and nourish with repetition and emotion
will one day become reality.
-Earl Nightingale

Your mind is a powerful thing,
When you fill it with positive thoughts,
your life will start to change.

You can't live a positive life,
with a negative mind.

Try the power of your mind, and see the result. Thank you for reading my post!  Please don't forget to share.  Just click the share buttons below.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lessons in Life Quotes

Life is so full of surprises, sometimes exciting sometimes lonesome.  Through our experiences we learn something.  Some experiences may give us lessons to learn, some will make or unmake us. We just have to be prepared what is waiting ahead of us.  We should not give up, if in case problems or hard times come over us, let us think that everything happens for a reason.

Let us learn from some quotes below:

Life's best lessons seem to be learned at 
the worst times.

We can never go back and change  
what has been said and done,
but we can always learn the lesson 
to make things better next time.

Good times become good memories,
and bad times  become good lessons.

Not every person or opportunity
that knocks on the door of your life
should be let in.

It's the hardest times that teach us the 
most valuable lessons.

Sometimes the most important lessons 
are the ones we end up learning 
the hard way.

Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience.
Anyone who abandons you is teaching 
you how to stand up on your own feet.
Anything that angers you is teaching you 
forgiveness and compassion.  
Anything that has power over you is 
teaching you how to take your power back.
Anything you hate is teaching you
unconditional love.
Anything you fear is teaching you
courage to overcome your fear.
Anything you can't control is teaching you
how to let go.

In life you'll realize that there is a purpose
for every person you meet.
Some are there to teach you, some
will teach you, and some will
bring the best in you.

Sometimes you just need to distance
 yourself from people.
If they care, they'll notice,
if they don't, you know
where you stand.

People will hate you, rate you,
 shake you, and break you.
But how strong you stand
is what makes you.

Never regret anything that has
 happened in your life.
It cannot be changed, undone or 
So take it as a lesson,
learned and move on.

It's not the mistake that matters,
It's how you deal with it,
what you learn from it, and how 
you apply that lesson 
to your life.

Smile despite the circumstances,
and laugh throughout the pain.
Life is full of hardships but
it is how you deal with them that
will in the end define you.

Sometimes you must hurt in order to know,
fall in order to grow, loss in order to gain,
because most of life greatest lessons
are learned through pain.

Never trust a person that has let you
down more than 2 times.
Once was a warning, twice was a
lesson and anything more 
than that is simply taking advantage.

One of the hardest lesson in life is
Letting go.
Whether it's guilt, anger, love loss, etc.
Change is never easy, you fight
to hold on, and you fight 
to let go.

Until you're broken, you don't know what
you're made of.  It gives you the 
ability to build yourself 
all over again, but
stronger than ever.

No matter who tries to teach you lessons
about life, you won't understand
it until you have to go through 
it on your own.

Never blame anyone in your life,
Good people give you happiness,
Bad people give you experiences,
Worst people give you lessons, and 
Best people give you memories.

When it rains, all birds fly for shelter,
But the eagle alone avoids the rain
by flying above the clouds.
We must be like eagle and 
believe we can fly
above the 
storm of life.

Forget what hurt you, but never forget
what it taught you.

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Monday, May 11, 2015

A Real Man Quotes

Every woman dreamed of having a real man in her life.  It can be her father, brother or her husband. No one wants to suffer pain, stressful life and miserable life with somebody.  We all want to live happily. that is why before marrying, you select someone whom you think is the best for you.

For men being a real man may be difficult, but if you live with it, you will find true happiness within you. Some men think that having millions of women make them a real man,  but actually that's not the true essence of a real man.  What is a real man?

Real men stay faithful, 
They don't have time to look for another woman
because they're too busy looking for 
new ways to love their own.

A real man can't stand seeing his woman hurt.
He's careful with his decisions and actions, 
so he never has to be responsible for 
her pain.

If another girl steals your man, 
there is no better revenge than
letting her keep him.
Real man can't be stolen.

A real man chooses to honor, love, respect,
adore and be faithful to one woman.

Being a real man doesn't mean you sleep with
100 girls, It means you fight for one
girl even when 99 others are
chasing you.

A real man helps around the house, 
cleans, washes dishes, helps with the kids and cooks.

A real man treats his lady the same way
he wants another man to treat 
his daughter.

A real man protects your heart,
he doesn't play with it.

Boys break heart, whereas real men
pick up the pieces, sew it back
and make it whole again.

A real man respects the virtues and values of woman he loves,
He believes in everything she gets strength from
and loves her mind body and soul.
- Aarti Khurama

A real man doesn't make his woman 
jealous of others, he makes
others jealous of his woman.

A real man never stops trying to show
a girl how much she means to him
even after he has her.

Real men never beat women......
They beat the assholes who do!!!

A real man gives his lady the attention she deserves,
gives her all of his love, calls her beautiful,
and treats her like a queen.

A real man can stay loyal without getting
sidetracked by easy girls.

A real man knows how to value a relationship...
No matter how many girls he meets,
he doesn't care,
Because for him, his girl is the best!!

A real man focuses on pleasing his girl
not pleasing others.

A real man will be honest no matter how painful the truth is,
A coward hides behind lies and deceit.

A real man knows how to respect a woman,
because he knows the feeling if 
someone would disrespect 
his mother.

A real man don't love million different women,
he loves one woman a million different ways.

So, what kind of man do you have?

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

True Relationship Quotes

What is a true relationship?  Everyone wants a true relationship with someone whom feels the same way as he/she feels.  But sometimes there is what we call a test of time, the feelings that you feel now may not be the feelings in the future.  Sometimes we are hurt and sometimes we hurt other because of change in our feelings.  How can we make sure that it is true relationship? Lets see how others define true relationship:

A true relationship is two imperfect people
that refuse to give up on each other.

A true relationship is having someone who accepted your past,
support your present, loves you and encourages 
your future.

A true relationship is not about age,
not about distance, 
not about communicating.
Every moment of everyday,
What's more important is
Having TRUST & LOYALTY.....
The Trust of Girl to her man,
and the Loyalty of man to his girl.

True relationship: 
Talk like best friends,
play like children,
argue like husband and wife,
protect each other like
brother and sister.

A true relationship doesn't need
any promises, terms or conditions,
Just two people who can understand
and trust each other.

Tue relationship don't just happen,
They take time and patience and 
two people who truly want 
to be together.

The best thing about true relationship is
having someone to confide in, 
To share all those special moments with,
And when things aren't going so well,
having them there to give you
love, support, to talk, to listen and
help you get on track,
without judging, presuming
or accusing.

A true relationship is about two things,
First, finding out the similarities,
Second, respecting the differences.

A true relationship is like a river,
The deeper it gets, the less noise it makes.

The best thing about true relationship is
being able to look in each other's eyes
across a crowded room and knowing 
just what the other is thinking.

When a true relationship works, the tiny
bumps in the road don't matter.
You don't have to be scared because
there's never any real jeopardy.

A real relationship has fights, trust, faith,
tears, pain, arguments, patience,
secrets, jealousy and LOVE.

A true relationship is when you can tell
each other anything and everything.

So, can you now identify what kind of relationship you have at this moment?

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